Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

“If you can recognize and accept your pain without running away from it, you will discover that although pain is there, joy can also be there at the same time.”


– Thich Nhat Hanh, No Mud, No Lotus

🌀 DBT Skills Training 🌀

Mindfulness & Distress Tolerance
Skills Training

14-week DBT program (age 21+)

When: October 1 – January 21, 2025
Where: Zoom Classroom

🌀 Ongoing Sessions 🌀

Adult Evening DBT Group (age 21+)

Tuesdays, 7:30PM – 9:00PM

Save these Dates in 2024:

October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29;
November 5, 12, 19;
December 3, 10, 17;
January 7, 14, 21, 2025.



Make-up Days:
January 28 and February 4, 2025
** In addition, please reserve these make-up days to allow for possible sick days, energy black outs, internet issues or other disruptions.

DBT provides psychoeducation, not group therapy.

For adults who like to learn and seek to gain mastery in Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Interpersonal Effectiveness and Emotion Regulation skills for peak performance in all areas of their life.

We cover one module per 14-week trimester. It takes one year to complete all three modules, although it is not required to sign up for the year. You can register for each module separately.

This is a highly structured academic program, with weekly handouts, worksheets and gentle goal setting. All sessions take place virtually through ZOOM.

Between classes, students are willing to commit to 5-10 minutes/day of DBT Skills practice. Students learn to share their feelings in relation to the DBT skills they are practicing.

This is not group therapy, where one person may talk for 30 minutes. Everyone gets a chance to speak, and we are mindful of the fair use of the time. Enrollment is limited to 12 students.

Space is limited, please enroll early!


  • New students pay $1300 for first 14-week semester (includes one individual Intake Session).
  • Continuing students pay $1050 (all registration forms and fees must be completed by Friday September 27, 2024)


Checks and credit cards are accepted for payment. Please review the DBT FAQs page for details on how to use your Out-of-Network Insurance Benefits.

Advanced DBT Group

When you have completed the full 3-semester curriculum with at least a 70% attendance rate each semester (10 sessions), you can join the Advanced Group.

This group is limited to ten members. We will meet for 90 minutes each week. We will utilize a proven successful structured format to help you access advanced DBT skills and continue your journey towards wholeness and wellness. Please contact me to learn more!

Course Materials

We use Dr. Marsha Linehan’s DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets (2nd edition, spiral bound). This textbook was written with the intention of a trained facilitator explaining the material and working through the exercises within a group setting.  It is not intended to read on your own, as there are gaps in understanding and sections that need to be explained and demonstrated.


Please use this ISBN number to avoid ordering the wrong edition:
ISBN # 978-1-57230-781-0


For example, in this moment you are good enough and perfect as is, AND you could improve… both beliefs are equally true.

You could love someone and also hate someone.  Being able to hold BOTH conflicting emotions and not have a meltdown is key to DBT Skills practice.

Embracing the paradox, or dialectical thought, is healthier than fighting with the reality of it. We hold many dialectical beliefs in our minds which can be very stressful if not understood on this level.


DBT skills help you practice emotional regulation so you can blend acceptance with positive action plans to improve your life. Once you can accept yourself where you are, you can improve and go forward without shame, blame, regret and guilt. This is one of the benefits of working the DBT skills, to release your painful past and boldly go forward with more inner peace and stronger coping skills.

I have been honored to witness many DBT graduates practice better emotional regulation, gain mindful insights, take more positive actions and transform their lives with the power of DBT Skills.

It is exciting to witness these solution-focused sessions turn into amazing results for our group members. That’s why I love teaching DBT Skills!
Yes, there is a solution! You can do hard things, NEVER GIVE UP!

With Hope and Courage,
Lisa Wessan